Monday 3 April 2017

Put Some Positivity Into Your Life

"Winter Is Coming", the famous and very quoted Game Of Thrones phrase is slightly redundant at this time of year in the UK, hurrah!  We are almost through the worst of it now and those long-dark winter months are (almost) finally over and the phrase can now be replaced with "Summer Is Coming" .  Now, I can't quite imagine this becoming the new 'phrase-of-choice' but it certainly makes me a happy gal!  So with Easter only a couple of weeks away, the temperatures becoming moderately warmer, and the days getting considerably longer...let's shake off any negative mindset and remind ourselves of the importance of positivity to change one's day, week, month and year.  Here's a look at five everyday places to add some positivity into your life.

Mobile Phone

I think we all love a bit of social media and know firsthand that our mobile phones are a blessing and a curse. While it may provide us with endless hours of entertainment, it can  also be a source of negativity. More specifically, it is easy to compare oneself or one's life to others when scrolling through social media feeds. Remind yourself that you should never compare yourself to another person and that in many cases, happiness (and reality) is usually very different than the screen suggests.

Eating Zone

Whether this is your desk, a table at the best place in town, or a quiet spot in your garden... remember to have a positive mindset when it comes to food. As always, it is important to eat healthy, but don’t think of eating healthy food as a challenge, rather a way to promote positivity in your life. If you eat clean / well, you feel clean / well – it is as simple as that. Incorporating healthy foods into your diet will promote a positive mindset and fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to keep your energy and spirits up.

The Looking Glass

As cliche as it may sound, placing sticky notes around your mirror with some words of inspiration will actually make a difference. You don’t have to put a cheesy phrase on the note to promote positivity, but do pick an aspect of your life that you want to improve – from posting about having a positive body image to recalling a source of motivation to keep up your efforts.

The Gym

If you have been reading my blog, you'll know I am a huge advocate for keeping fit.  However, it is not always easy to motivate yourself to find the time to squeeze it into a busy schedule. Nevertheless, it is critical for your emotional wellbeing to get some exercise, whether it is going for a walk/jog around a local park, or doing a workout class with a friend. Use exercise as an excuse to take some time-out for yourself each day and don’t view it just as a way to lose weight, but rather as a way to get in a positive state of mind for leading a healthy lifestyle.

Your Home

Whether you are living with your family, friends or flatmates, spread some positivity to those around you by encouraging positive behaviour. The above steps will help your personal well-being when it comes to promoting positivity....and now it is time for you to teach these tools to others.  Spread the positive vibe and reap the benefits.

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