Tuesday 24 January 2017

An Alphabetic Guide To SUPERFOODS - Baobab

Superfoods are nature's gift, they're vibrant, nutritionally dense foods that offer us tremendous dietary and healing potential.

Known in Africa as 'tree of life', baobab has many healing uses.

There's always a new fad out. A new miracle diet or supplement that offers the key to health, life and eternal youth. But today we introduce baobab (bey-oh-bab). It's not new and it's not a fad. You've probably never even heard of it unless you live in Africa, Madagascar or Australia. But baobab fruit powder is ideal for those following a vegan/vegetarian, raw food or whole food lifestyle.

Found in Africa and Madagascar, baobab is produced from a barrel sized trunk. The fruit itself is woody, gourd-like in appearance and contains a sweet pulp. In its natural habitat, it's legendary for its rich nutrients and is well-known for its medicinal values.

Image result for baobab powderTo those just getting to know the baobab, it is often referred to as a "superfruit." National Geographic claims it "contains six times as much vitamin C as oranges, twice as much calcium as milk, and plenty of B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and antioxidants." The disease fighting molecules of antioxidants contained in baobab wards off a myriad of health issues; from lowering the risk of cancer to the fight against heart disease. And one can never get too much of a good thing, except fiber, too much from this fruit and you'll experience it as a natural laxative.

This is all very useful information for those with access to the fruit in its natural form. After drying naturally on the branch, it's harvested and the seeds are removed what remains is a sweet-tangy pulp. The pulp is then ground into a powder, mixed with water and sugar to create a mouthwatering drink. Its taste has been described as a mix of grapefruit, pear and vanilla. Who can resist?

The baobab fruit powder is organic, raw and natural, perfect for those following a raw food diet. It is Animal-free so a great choice for vegetarians and vegans alike, and as a whole food, good for any health conscious individual. The powder has a high pectin content (somewhat similar to the texture of cornstarch) so it's a natural thickener making it an ideal kick for that Morning Monster Smoothie. For the kids, (wink wink) here's a jam recipe from Sarah Venter and Louis Trichardt. Mix together half a cup of baobab fruit powder and 1 cup of sugar. Slowly add 2 cups water, reduce and simmer for 20 minutes until thickened. Allow to cool and spread on toast. Enjoy.

Article Source
Image: ecoproducts.co.za

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