Saturday 21 January 2017

How To Get Flat Abs - Part 2

Some more gut busting exercises for you to try at home..

5: Practice the Pilates Zip-Up
Stand upright with heels together, toes slightly turned out. Bring your arms up, hands joined, below the chin. Exhale and press your arms down. Keep your hands and arms very close to the body. At the same time, lift your heels off the ground onto your tiptoes. Hold for two seconds at the "top,” inhale, and return to the starting position. The abs go "in and up" and the arms go down. Do 20 reps.
French fries and ketchup on a plate

No. 6: Examine Your Diet
You can do ab exercises until the cows come home. But if you've got extra belly fat, your strong abs won't show. To budge the belly fat, you have to look at what you eat and how active you are. Eat less and move more, and make good-for-you food choices. Think lean protein and veggies, not greasy burgers and fries.

No. 7: Props Are Fun, but Optional
Stability balls and Bosu balls, straps and bands, and joining a gym can add zip to a workout. But you don't really need any of them for stronger abs. Sneak an ab workout into your daily life. Stand straight and breathe out, while you draw your navel to your spine. Try this when you walk, stand in line at the store, or chat at a party.

No. 8: Set Realistic Goals
Your favorite star's or athlete's abs are worth aiming for, but don't expect to mimic them. Your genes may play a role in your body's shape. That's no excuse to give up and head for the cookie jar, of course. Set realistic goals that are focused on your body, not on some perfect image. You'll wind up both firmer and happier.

Woman at gym consulting with personal trainer   
No. 9: Take Things Slow
Changing your midriff is a matter of slow and steady progress, not fast fixes. Your road to flat abs may even have some setbacks (hello, holiday eating!). But if you give it time and keep at it, your middle really can go from flab to fab. 

Images & Article - Source

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