Wednesday 10 May 2017

The 50 Best Low-Carb Foods, Plus Recipe Ideas & Tips - Part 1

While low-carb diets have been shown to have many benefits, especially for those who can afford to kick a sugar habit or lose weight in order to improve their health, many are hesitant to try this way of eating out of fear of giving up many delicious foods.

Rest assured that when following a healthy low carb diet, it’s still possible to keep enjoying all sorts of awesome recipes. Low-carb recipes include everything from crockpot chicken and veggies to grass-fed burgers. And what about low-carb breakfasts or travel-friendly snacks? These can include green smoothies or protein shakes, low-carb desserts made from things like coconut or almond flour, 1–2 cage-free hard-boiled eggs, or newer varieties of grass-fed beef jerky, for example.

While eating a low carbohydrate diet might not be the “magic bullet” to lasting weight loss for every person, it’s very helpful for most people to cut back on added sources of sugar and carbs. Even if you only plan to reduce your sugar and carb intake for a period of time, perhaps to break a sugar addiction or kickstart a healthier way of eating that includes less processed foods, you’re likely to experience benefits relatively fast.

Removing foods such as bread, cereals, sweetened drinks, processed dairy and even whole grains or starchy veggies from your diet will result in you releasing less insulin. This helps to balance blood sugar levels, reduce cravings and fatigue, speed up weight loss, leave you feeling more clear-headed (at least after you initially get used to the change) and even reduces your risk for things like heart disease and diabetes.

Replacing carb-heavy foods in your diet with low-carb foods like non-starchy veggies, healthy fats and high-quality proteins takes these benefits a step further: reducing hunger, making you feel satisfied and possibly even reversing certain nutrient deficiencies.

The 50 Best Low-Carb Foods

Below are dozens of healthy low-carb foods to fill your diet with:

Low-Carb Veggies
1. Broccoli
2. Cauliflower
3. Mushrooms
4. Peppers
5. Chard or collard greens
6. Asparagus
7. Kale
8. Spinach
9. Green beans
10. Arugula
11. Leeks or onions
12. Tomatoes
13. Brussel sprouts
14. Avocado
15. Turnips
16. Cabbage
17. Carrots (moderate carbs)

Eggs and Dairy
18. Cage-free eggs
19. Full-fat unsweetened yogurt or kefir
20. Raw whole milk
21. Hard cheese, sour cream and heavy cream (all are low in carbs, but very importantly I recommend grass-fed and organic dairy whenever possible, ideally made from raw milk). Cheeses low in carbs include blue cheese, cheddar cheese, goat, feta, Swiss, parmesan and asiago.

Meat and Seafood
All the foods below have zero carbs. Note that I recommend always looking for wild-caught fish and avoiding most shellfish such as shrimp, which tend to be higher in heavy metals like mercury.

22. Salmon
23. Haddock
24. Trout
25. Halibut
26. Sardines
27. Anchovies
28. Mackerel
29. Tuna or cod (in moderation)

Nuts and Seeds
30. Chia seeds
31. Flaxseeds
32. Almonds
33. Walnuts
34. Pumpkin, sesame or hemp seeds
35. Cashews and Brazil nuts (and just about all other nuts or seeds too)

Oils and Fats (all have zero carbs)
36. Coconut, olive, hemp, flaxseed, walnut or avocado oil
37. Butter or ghee
38. Palm oil
39. Lard

Condiments, Herbs and Spices
40. Herbs like turmeric, ginger, oregano, rosemary, basil, real sea salt, pepper, etc.
41. Hot sauces
42. Apple cider vinegar and most other vinegars in small amounts (balsamic, white, red, etc.)
43. Cocoa powder (raw and unsweetened is best)
44. Mustard (just avoiding high-sugar kinds like honey mustard)
45. Soy sauce, tamari or coconut aminos
46. Bone broth (whether to drink alone or use in recipes)

No-Carb Drinks
47. Teas including green, black, oolong or white
48. Coffee
49. Herbal teas (ginger, chamomile, honeybush, peppermint, chai, etc.)
50. Fresh pressed vegetable juices or green smoothies

Part 2 of this article to follow on Friday this week.

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by Dr Josh Axe

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